Obituary for Jackson Harbaugh
Jackson (Jack) Harbaugh, 93, of La Crosse, passed away peacefully, Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at Gundersen Medical Center, La Crosse.
Jack was born on April 6, 1931, in La Crosse, Wisconsin, to Clifford and Mary (Golda) Harbaugh. He was an only child – but he had many aunts, uncles and cousins who he considered family. Born during the depression, Jack grew up as a proud north-sider with an altogether storied life. He was quite an athlete in his younger years and excelled in sports in high school. As a tackle on the Logan Ranger football team, he was an integral part of their undefeated season, and held the track and field record for the discus for over 20 years; he graduated from Logan High School, La Crosse, in 1950. He loved his fast cars and loud motorcycles so much so that his close friends nicknamed him “Crack-er Jack” because that is what they would shout at the starting line of a race. They often talked about how he could tweak the engines to get more power.
On September 01, 1951, he married his true love, Nancy Boomer (Harbaugh). This was the result of a mix-up on a blind-date only months prior. It was told that on the night Jack returned home from his blind date, he said to his dad that he’d met the girl he was going to marry; and so he did. They remained together for over 68 years.
In 1951 he was also drafted into the Army and quickly inducted as a Marine, stationed in Camp Pendleton, CA – living in Laguna Beach – until he was deployed to Korea. Jack was known by some as “Ears” since he was able to detect where the mortar shells would land, by the sound they made once launched, forewarning others. He was awarded Distinguished Marksman, Sharpshooter and Rifle Expert Badges, and fought in the Korean War where he earned two Purple Hearts. Stateside, he was then stationed in Florida for the remainder of his required tour of duty.
In their younger years it was a common sight to see Jack and Nancy on their Harley enjoying time with friends. He introduced his family to those famous Sunday car rides in the old Pontiac station wagon to the Mather wilderness… his kids thought he could truly smell out the deer. He had the uncanny knack of predicting where the deer were and pointing them out before they were ever seen. Many happy days were spent boating, skiing and beaching on the river in the summer and on snowmobiles in the winter. He enjoyed time with his boys, small game and deer hunting, fishing and loved the water. In recent years he gained enjoyment through his trips to the casino.
Jack worked as a truck driver for over 30 years, while raising and providing for his family. He drove for Witte, Robertson, and Briggs Transportation in La Crosse, where he transferred with Briggs to St. Paul, MN until its closing in 1984. He and Nancy then retired and set off together in their motorhome to see the world. After some time traveling, they settled in a snowbird community in the Rio Grande Valley of southern Texas along side other retired truckers, where they enjoyed years of friendship and camaraderie. Jack was the guy who had a story for everyone and a fix for every dilemma. In 1991 they moved from Alamo, TX back to his childhood home on the northside of La Crosse to care for family.
Jack is survived by six children: Susan Liska, La Crosse, Dan (Ellen) Harbaugh, La Crescent, Jim (Kris) Harbaugh, Ferryville, Rose Ann Hammes (Dennis Leis) La Crosse, Lori (Mike) Averbeck, Holmen, and Debbie Harbaugh, Sparta; 10 grandchildren: Nicole (Jason) Mueller, Rochester, Cory (Kari) Harbaugh, Mt. Pleasant, Kasey (Andy) Senn, Onalaska, Jaclyn (Mikkel) Dunnum, Onalaska, Cullen (Tina) Harbaugh, West Salem, Kim (Tim) Sires, La Crosse, Adam Hammes, Madison, Jeremy Leis, Caledonia, Anne Du Charme, La Crosse, Pam (Jesse) Henderson, Holmen; 21 great-grandchildren, and one great, great-grandchild.
Jack is preceded in death by his loving wife, Nancy; parents, Clifford and Golda Harbaugh; an infant son, Cliff; in-laws Isaac and Katherine Boomer; four brothers-in-law: Karl (Lucille) Kelley, Howard (Rose) Kelley, Pat (Mildred) Kelley, Jerry Kelley; son-in-law Robert Liska; many aunts, uncles, cousins and close friends in his extended family.
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When tomorrow starts without me, know you were loved. Cherish sweet memories of yesterday.
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A celebration of life with military honors, will be held Thursday, July 18, 2024, from 3–7 p.m. at the Onalaska American Legion, 731 Sand Lake Road, Onalaska, WI. Military Honors will be held at 4:30 p.m..
The Sletten-McKee-Hanson Funeral Home is assisting the family. Please visit to share online condolences.
A private interment service will take place at a later date, at Mormon Coulee Memorial Park in Shelby Township.
Lance and Amanda Jurgensen
July 9, 2024 @ 7:22 am
Cullen and Family,
Thoughts are with you. Cherish your memories.
Ed Kamrowski
July 10, 2024 @ 8:14 am
Sorry to hear of this loss.
Richard Maringer
July 11, 2024 @ 11:45 am
Graduated from Logan High School with Jack in 1950. Saw him a few years ago at a class reunion. Lived next door to him back in the 1960’s. Good friend. Rest in peace Jack.
Mary Catharine Kelley
July 12, 2024 @ 12:59 pm
Karen Munns let me know about the death of our Uncle Jack. I am so sorry to hear of this loss. My apologies as I do not have any contact information for my cousins, the children of my Uncle Jack. The obituary was very well written. Once again, condolences.