Obituary for David Ziemann
David Ziemann of 628 Avon Street, La Crosse, passed away. David was born September 19, 1947 in Shell Lake, Wisconsin to Henry and Glennie (Todd) Ziemann. He attended grade schools in West Lima, Balsam Lake and Centuria Wisconsin, Unity High Schools and UW, Madison 1965-70 and 1973-74. He worked in emergency rooms at Madison General Hospital (now Meriter) from 1970 to 1986 and Franciscan-Skemp (now Mayo) in La Crosse from 1986 to 2017, and briefly at UW Hospitals in 1986. He was an eye enucleator for the Wisconsin eye bank for 10 years in La Crosse procuring eyes for research and corneal transplants. He was a member of Amnesty International from 1978-1984, writing appeals to governments (primarily Ethiopia) for the release of non-violent prisoners jailed for legally expressing their political religious views, or for suspected ties to such people. He was a 30 year member of the Sierra Club, and a donor to several other environmental and humanitarian organizations.
He was preceded in death by his parents, his brother Irvin (1936-2016), sister Amy Blubaugh (1933-2017), niece Wendy Ziemann (1973-2015) and nephew Mark Blubaugh. He is survived by 2 nephews, Steve and Dwight Blubaugh of Michigan, Dawn Culver of Michigan, Norine Hodder and Heidi Creason of Florida, one grandnephew and grandnieces.